Our Approach
Our Continuum of Care.
Our 100-year history helps create an unparalleled Continuum of Care – quality, personalized services and facilities able to meet seniors’ needs regardless of where they may be in their journey. From a caring visit in your home to full care in ours, we’re ready to help you with life as it unfolds.
Access to Services.
Most likely, you’re here because you, or a loved one, is facing changes. These variations in life can be difficult to navigate – for everyone involved. Relax. We understand and have assisted people with adjustments to their way of life for over a century. Once you’re part of the family, you have access to any level of service should needs evolve.
The Household Model.
Fairport Rehab & Nursing Center helped pioneer the “household” model now prevalent throughout the industry. Adapting to changing times and technologies has always distinguished our caring housing and community environments. We invite you to read more about us and our proud history below.

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Kind Words
"Mom was an independent woman... but she made up her mind long ago that if she was every going to live in a nursing home it would be Fairport Rehab & Nursing Center." - Don Alhart, speaking about his mother, Lois Alhart
"When we knew she couldn’t be at home, we didn’t have to shop around. Fairport Rehab & Nursing Center is the best, the only place for her." - Rand Warner, speaking about his wife, Marjorie Warner
"My parents would be lost without SOFI. Yours are the best hands they could be in." - Theresa (Pascini) Truax, speaking about her parents, Sam and Marisa Pascini